LENT 2025
Pilgrim Hearts – Walking in the steps of Jesus
As we journey through the Jubilee Year, Pope Francis invites us to be Pilgrims of Hope – people who walk in faith, supporting one another and deepening our relationship with Christ. We invite you to join us for our new Lenten program,
'Pilgrim Hearts – Walking in the steps of Jesus this Lent',
a 4-week Lenten journey inspired by the Sunday gospels and the lives of the Irish Saints who embraced faith in times of challenge. From St Patrick’s prayers on the mountain to St Brigid’s acts of compassion, their lives remind us that holiness is lived in simple, everyday choices. They were the great evangelisers of the Christian faith in Ireland.
Venue: St. Nicholas' Church​
Week 2: Monday 24 March:
Luke 9:28-36 - Jesus is Transfigured before them
Week 3: Monday 31 March:
Luke 13:1-9 - The Parable of the Fig Tree.
Week 4: Monday 7 April:
Luke 15:1-3,11-32 -The Prodigal Son.
Time: 7.30 pm
Evangelisation begins with an invitation. Who in your life might need this journey? Invite a friend, a family member, or someone who perhaps has been away from Church for a while. Your invitation could be the start of their pilgrimage of hope.
Everyone is welcome.